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Many Models, One Modular Fixture

34 Axle Mount Models + 1 modular solution = SUCCESS

Author: Wendy Calcaterra

Published: April 26, 2023


Transportation (General)


Varying Part Sizes

Bluco modular fixture truck axle mount


The more sizes in your product line, the more important it is to manage the time it takes for fixture changeover. This manufacturer of truck axle mounts has 34 part models, each with different X, Y, and Z dimensions. Because they are a high mix, low volume shop filling custom orders, they had to change over the fixture between nearly every single part they built. They needed a way to streamline changeover while maintaining tight tolerances. The holes on the mount had to be perfectly aligned for final axle assembly.

Bluco modular fixture truck axle mount


• Modular Table Base

• Adjustable axle simulator

• CAD Model templates

A customized adjustable tube was created to simulate the axle assembly to make it easier to hold and check the alignment of the mounting holes. CAD models were provided for each of the 34 fixtures.

Bluco modular fixture truck axle mount


Welding their truck axle mounts on a Bluco modular fixture allowed this manufacturer to deliver better quality parts in less time. The modular table base and CAD templates make it easy to set up and change over fixtures quickly and accurately. The adjustable axle simulator not only maintained hole alignment, it also served as a constant QC device, and made it easy to tip and unload the part for weld out, making final assembly that much easier.

Bluco modular fixture truck axle mount

Getting Started with bluco

1. Share your challenge

Upload a description of your workholding application and a CAD model of your part to our secure online portal. Submitting your info doesn’t mean you’ve made up your mind, it just starts a conversation.

2. Talk With Us

Within 1-2 days, an application engineer will call to set up a design consultation. We never contract out, so you’ll deal directly with Bluco and communications will be kept strictly confidential.

3. Review Your Proposal

Once we understand your challenges and goals, we’ll develop custom modular solutions. Then, we’ll review designs as well as purchase and rental options virtually. Check out the rest of our process here.