
Proven Process

Experience isn’t just about the work you’ve done. It’s about knowing how to move fast enough to hit a deadline, but not so fast to go off-track. We’ve perfected a unique process.

Connect With Our Team

Phase one

Plan & Design

A problem well-defined is a problem half-solved. Which is why we start any new project by listening to your goals, and gathering data that informs how to help you reach them. Then we design solutions that do more than hold parts – they unlock the power to move quickly and adapt seamlessly.

Gather Data & Set Goals

During project kickoff, we’ll review any CAD models you’ve provided and go over your production goals. We’ll also schedule an on-site visit to gather more data if necessary. We never contract out, so you’ll deal directly with Bluco and your data will be kept strictly confidential.

Bridge Engineering Gaps

During the design phase, our team combines 30+ years of manufacturing experience with cutting edge technology to engineer solutions that bridge the gaps in your production process. If your solution includes robotics, positioning or other integrations, we’ll work with our value-add partners to customize an end-to-end solution.

Review Solutions

We’ll review and refine your custom modular solutions throughout the project to ensure alignment. Our final concepts often include not only CAD models of proposed workholding solutions, but process guidance, floor space suggestions and ideas for future enhancements. We’ll share them for your review and incorporate feedback from your team.

Before your proposal,

Get your BluPrint™

Just as every project requires a proposal, every successful strategy requires a BluPrint™. BluPrint is bigger than one project. Powered by reality capture technology, BluPrint looks at your whole production process to identify hidden weak spots — and untapped reserves of potential. BluPrint delivers digital assets, data-driven insights, and a menu of modular solutions that help you get higher quality products to market faster.

Learn More about BluPrint

Phase Two


This is where ideas become reality. It’s an opportunity to test your solution first in a virtual setting, and then to do hands-on testing in our Validation Center. You’ll work side-by-side with our engineers, who will help ensure the success of your project so you can decide confidently.

Preview Virtually

Before physically testing your solution, you’ll get to see it virtually. Whether that’s by viewing 3D CAD models on their own, or inside of a digital twin of your space, or in an immersive VR experience, you’ll know how your solution works well before you’ve worked with your solution.

Prove Out In Person

Our Validation Center lets you test your fixture off-line, without affecting live production. Use our state-of-the-art equipment to build your part from start to finish, with help and insight from our application engineers.

Schedule Delivery

We’ll ship your solution from our facility as soon as possible — usually within 24 hours. We’ll carefully hand-pack the components and insure everything against damage during transport.

Take advantage of our

validation Center

Your modular solution looks good on paper, but how will it perform in live production? Find out in our one-of-a-kind 7,000 sq. ft. Validation Center. This fully equipped space allows your team to work on your part in exactly the same way they would in your facility.

  • EXPERT GUIDANCE: Our engineers work alongside you to offer tips & make revisions.
  • QUICK REVISIONS: Inventory is on-site, so it’s easy to try different components.
  • EASY DECISIONS: When you try before you buy, you get exactly what you need.
Phase three

Implement & Evaluate

We understand the importance of getting your solution up and running quickly, and keeping it running consistently. From the moment you order and for the life of your solution, we’re here to help.

Get Your Solution Up & Running

If your solution requires installation, we can be on hand to either handle or assist with the process. Our application engineers come equipped with the tools & skills needed to take care of everything.

Schedule Training

After delivery or installation, our engineers will train your team. All shifts, all experience levels, all our best tips and tricks. We’ll leave you with the knowledge you need to replicate success with every part.

Evaluate Your Results

For us, implementation isn’t the end of a project. In fact, it’s just the beginning. We’ll continue to check in to make sure you’re meeting production goals, and to help identify areas for further optimization. We’re committed to your success, and to providing the customer support required to get you there.

inside the process
It’s a process that’s taken over 30 years to develop, but it’s one that we know is working because we take care to keep it running, and the results show it’s working.


It usually takes just a few days for delivery once the Validation Process is complete. We ship directly from our facility in securely packed crates.


Percentage of people who visit our Validation Center and decide to buy after they see the success for themselves.


The average number of parts in our inventory. That’s how we achieve quick design revisions and faster shipping.


100% of our customers who want to buyout their rented system can apply 100% of their monthly rent if they choose to buy in the first three months.

New: Bluprint™

proposals only show how much it will cost. BluPrint proves how much you can gain.