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Supported Employment Program

We offer an opportunity for young adults with developmental disabilities to learn vocational, social and life skills in a supported office and manufacturing environment.
Building bright futures
Job coaches Alison Grumbles and Stacey Andersen explain how the SEP team works at Bluco. Watch our team of four employees give their honest and personal perspective on a unique program that helps us Make it Better in countless ways.

supported employment team

Learning & working

Bluco’s Supported Employment Program (SEP) began as a vocational training program for high school students with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The program has since evolved to include part-time employement opportunities. Bluco job coaches provide the support these young adults need to learn critical social and life skills while also gaining valuable trade skills.


Making an Impact

The SEP team is an integral part of Bluco’s staff. This tight-knit group is able to provide much-needed office, manufacturing and logistical support. In the past year, the team has produced 156 bags of shredding, shelved over 10,000 bolts in inventory, lasered thousands of parts, and packed too many orders to count.

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Moving toward their futures

The SEP program provides a “what’s next” for kids who’ve reached the end of school sponsored programs. By filling the gap between high school and a more independent adulthood, we hope to help these young people to continue growing as they find their path forward. Program participants have moved on to college programs, and into other careers, and we’re grateful that Bluco was a stop on their journey.

You’ll find the SEP team

Enjoying what they do

When you’re enjoying what you do, it doesn’t feel like work. We strive to provide an environment that allows all of our teams to find something to look forward to every day. For the SEP team, that means training in new areas, interacting with other Bluco teams, and working alongside coworkers who’ve become friends. Each job they do helps them build important career skills and helps us all build bonds with one another.

Want to know more?

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