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2X Faster & Future-Proof

Progress beats tradition

Author: Wendy Calcaterra

Published: November 29, 2023




Final Part Quality



Tradition can be comforting, but when it comes to manufacturing, doing it like it’s always been done is limiting. Following the old playbook left this customer struggling with the persistent issue of warped truck scale sub-assemblies produced on a century old fixture. They wanted a faster, more efficient, and more precise method of tacking endplates. They also hoped to future-proof their setup so that robotic welding could be introduced later. And most importantly, they wanted a solution their welders were comfortable with.


Bridging the Engineering Gap

Bluco’s team focused on the most obvious gap in the customer’s otherwise highly engineered process: their 100 year old workholding methods. The outdated fixture was replaced with something far more 21st-century: a modular spine between an ALM lift & rotate positioner.

Color-coded spacers on adjustable posts provided the flexibility needed to prevent warping issues while working on plates of any size. This solution also streamlined the current tacking process and could seamlessly integrate into a future robotic welding cell.


Projected X-Factor Improvement

The welder was initially skeptical of the new setup. However, once he experienced the comfort and ease that came with the ability to lift and rotate the fixture, he became a convert. The end result? Welded parts that come together twice as fast. Because the new solution keeps them straight and flat, there’s a seamless transition to the next production cell — no time wasted on chain clamps or torch work to make the parts fit. The welder loves his new “toy,” and the company is well-positioned for future automation and efficiency.


Getting Started with bluco

1. Share your challenge

Upload a description of your workholding application and a CAD model of your part to our secure online portal. Submitting your info doesn’t mean you’ve made up your mind, it just starts a conversation.

2. Talk With Us

Within 1-2 days, an application engineer will call to set up a design consultation. We never contract out, so you’ll deal directly with Bluco and communications will be kept strictly confidential.

3. Review Your Proposal

Once we understand your challenges and goals, we’ll develop custom modular solutions. Then, we’ll review designs as well as purchase and rental options virtually. Check out the rest of our process here.