Maintenance: FAQS
What if I need a part repaired?
Simply call 1.800.535.0135 or use our contact us form to request a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA). If a component of your modular solution ended up broken during normal usage, the repair or replacement will be covered under our lifetime manufacturing warranty.
How much do repairs cost?
If your part broke under normal usage, its repair or replacement will likely be covered at no charge under our lifetime manufacturing warranty. If the part broke outside of normal usage, we can provide a quote to repair it.
Can I get my modular components cleaned?
Yes. Bluco customers can call 1.800.535.0135 or use our contact us form to request reconditioning services. Before cleaning we’ll inspect system bores and slots, check angles for squareness, and laser check tables for flatness. The cleaning process will remove dirt and rust. Weld spatter, dings and nicks will be stoned flat, and old paint will be removed from items that are being rehardened in preparation for the process.
How much does reconditioning cost?
Once you’ve requested reconditioning service using our contact us form, we’ll call you to get more details so that we can provide an estimate based on which parts you need reconditioned and what sort of services the parts will require.
Do you offer rehardening or black oxiding?
We do. While all new Bluco equipment (tables and steel components) comes hardened to resist wear and spatter build up, many of our customers still have original welding systems that are over 30 years old, from long before hardening tables and components became our standard. If you still have older yellow painted angles or a table that was never hardened, our reconditioning service will bring these items up to current standards. We can even re-harden older tables that may have an earlier version of a hardening layer applied.
Can I send a single component back for reconditioning or repair?
Yes. You can send anything from a single bolt to an entire system in for repair or reconditioning.
What if I want my whole system reconditioned?
Not a problem. There is no minimum or maximum part requirement for reconditioning services.
How long does it take to repair or recondition equipment?
About two-four weeks on average. For customers who cannot take their system out of service for a few weeks we do offer low cost 1-month rentals on everything we recondition.
Do I need to pay shipping if I'm sending parts for reconditioning?
Yes. Customers are responsible for freight to and from Bluco for rentals and reconditioning services.