BluPrint™: FAQS
What is BluPrint™?
It’s a comprehensive roadmap to success, powered by Bluco modular and manufacturing expertise. Your customized BluPrint includes the creation of a digital twin of your facility, expert analysis of your processes and workflows, and a menu of modular projects designed to help you bring higher quality products to market faster.
You can click here to see a sample BluPrint. That’s the best way to explore the kinds of insights and project suggestions your customized BluPrint might contain.
How is the BluPrint™ process initiated?
Just Connect With Our Team. It’s that simple. Whether you’re reaching out about a specific project, or have a general interest in the benefits of BluPrint, we’ll immediately assess to see if it’s is the right fit for your challenges and desired outcomes. If it is, we’ll talk about the investment required (100% will be applied toward any BluPrint modular projects you decide to implement). Then we’ll collect any relevant data you already have, and schedule a scan of your facility. If BluPrint isn’t the right fit, we’ll proceed with a proposal or by offering any other assistance we can provide.
How does BluPrint™ work?
BluPrint™ starts with an initial consultation to understand your challenges, capabilities and goals. Next, we scan your facility to create a virtual space where our engineers can investigate bottlenecks, uncover areas of untapped potential, and model effective solutions. Finally, we deliver a custom roadmap with actionable insights and modular projects that you can queue up in the order and cadence that makes the most sense for your organization.
What is BluTwin™?
BluTwin is the data collection process that powers BluPrint. It allows us to create a digital twin of your facility where you can test solutions virtually, before anything is actually built. To see an example of the immersive space we can create using this advanced reality capture technology, click here.
What is the difference between BluPrint™ and a regular proposal?
Think of BluPrint as the step BEFORE a proposal. It’s a comprehensive overview that identifies the roadblocks standing in the way of achieving your big-picture goals, and the solutions that will help you break through those roadblocks. For example, BluPrint may identify and describe potential improvements in four areas – we’ll call them projects A, B, C and D. If you choose to implement project B first, we’ll then provide a proposal for that specific project. A proposal is about estimated cost, whereas BluPrint is about big-picture benefits. In either case, if and when you choose to implement any solution is up to you.
Does my investment in BluPrint™ apply toward my final solution?
Yes. 100% of your investment will be applied to any BluPrint solution you choose to implement.
What if I choose not to implement a BluPrint™ solution?
While you’ll certainly get the most benefit from BluPrint by implementing the modular solutions we identify, you are under no obligation to do so. Regardless of how you proceed, the digital twin of your facility is yours and will allow for easier planning, collaboration and decision-making.
How can I learn more or get a BluPrint™?
You can learn more about BluPrint by visiting the BluPrint page on our website. If you’re interested in getting started, just click Connect With Our Team, and we’ll reach out to discuss your specific needs and how BluPrint can help.