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Fixturing to Achieve Repeatable Results

Welding pump assemblies with precision & reliability

Author: Wendy Calcaterra

Published: April 19, 2023


Industrial Equipment



Bluco modular fixture, welding positioner for pump assembly


When marrying a manifold to a precision pump assembly, inconsistencies can cause major setbacks. For this manufacturer, the likelihood of inconsistencies increased every time the part was removed from the fixture for repositioning, or had to go from tacking to welding. Even worse, weld distortion had a way of pulling the outer tubes inward. Their old fixturing setup just wasn’t delivering what they needed.



• Manual positioner

• Adjustable picture frame

• Modular components on each tube end

This custom solution holds the manifold at key areas to maintain alignment. Incremental adjustments as small as 1 mm can be made to outer tubes using clamps and spacers. Captain’s wheel allows welders to rotate parts for better reach without refixturing, and the adjustable picture frame accommodates varying product sizes.



Better welds in less time. That’s what happens when a workholding solution combines versatility & mobility with precision & reliability. Welders can now tack and weld the part complete in one go. And because the solution holds all 3 tubes firmly in place while also allowing minor adjustments, the team can easily control weld draw. They’ve achieved better fit-up to the pump assembly, better final part quality and easily repeatable results.


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