Request a Proposal: What's and Why's
Why click the Request a Propoal button? Here's 3 Powerful Reasons.

We put the button everywhere. REQUEST A PROPOSAL. (Did you notice we snuck in the link again there?) But what are the benefits of clicking it? For anyone wondering what makes this button so useful, here are three great reasons to get your clicking finger ready.
1. It starts a conversation with modular experts
Don’t worry – clicking this button doesn’t mean you’re ready to commit to a modular fixturing solution. Requesting a proposal is just a way for you to make first contact with Bluco engineers. It’s a way to share your challenge with a modular expert who can put our 30 years of workholding and manufacturing experience to work for you, bringing ideas to the table that you may not have thought about.
So when’s the right time to Request a Proposal? If you’re reading this article, that time is probably now. Bring us into the conversation as early as possible to avoid getting too far down a path before finding out there was a better path all along. It will save you time, resources and the frustration of problem-solving alone.

2. It’s a tool to get other stakeholders on board
Once we’ve had our initial design consultation, and we’re in alignment on what your challenges are and what some potential modular solutions might look like, we’ll prepare a detailed proposal that includes basic information about Bluco and Bluco modular solutions. We’ll include a CAD model and description of your proposed design, as well as a breakdown of rental and purchase options.
This document, which we’ll go over together via an online meeting, will also be emailed to you as a PDF document. It’s specifically designed to be a tool you can pass to other stakeholders in your project. You’ll find it answers most of their questions and opens the door to gathering any other input they may have.

3. It gets you one step closer to proving out your solution
Once you and the rest of your stakeholders are all on board with the proposed modular solution, the most unique part of the process is up next – proving out your solution in our Validation Center. We’ll build the solution we designed in our state-of-the-art facility, and invite you to bring your parts and your team to test it out.
Your sales engineer will work right beside you to troubleshoot, offer tips and tricks and make any necessary tweaks to the design. If we need to change out a part, it can be done instantly from our on-site inventory.
We’ve had many customers who’ve built out not just sub-assemblies, but entire finished parts in our Validation Center (VC). What’s more, it’s built perfectly to spec on the first try. If any of your stakeholders were on the fence before coming to the VC, they won’t be by the time you leave.